2017 Election Guide

Election Candidacy Nomination and Voter Information Guide


All general membership registration from previous term (CY2011 – CY2013) will expire on April 4, 2017. Everyone MUST renew their membership by April 4, 2017 to be eligible to vote in Election 2017.

A member who pays his/her membership fee 10 days prior to election and be at least 18-years-old at the time of the election are eligible to vote. Voters must present a valid government issued photo identification.

Candidates MUST submit and pay non-refundable nomination and membership fee via NAG website by 3/22/2017 for election candidate consideration.

Election Announcement: Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG) Election Commission 2017

Respected Members and Well-wishers
Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG),
Respected Editor-in-Chief
Press/Online Media,

Greetings from NAG!

On behalf of the Nepalese Association of Georgia, it is my pleasure to share with you all an announcement from NAG’s Election Commission 2017. This notice is for all individuals of Nepali origin, or friend(s) who have interest in Nepal and Nepali culture/language and those who are living in the State of Georgia to be the part of State organization NAG Election 2017.

Please find the attached NAG Election 2017 timeline and Guidelines and membership form published by the Chief Election Commissioner Mr. Janak Baral and the Election commissioners Raju Thapa, Bhabindra Basnet, Pranaya Lama and Bishwa Adhikari. Please, refer to the elections guideline as outlined below/attached notice.

NAG will elect an Executive Board consisting of following positions


# of Positions

Nomination Fee (non-refundable)


1 $200

Executive VP



Vice President



General Secretary



Joint Secretary






Executive Members 7


Important information published by NAG Election Commission 2017.


Beginning Date/Time

Due Date

Nomination forms available from NAG http://www.nepalgeorgia.org 3/10/2017
Candidates submit nomination form via Nag website http://www.nepalgeorgia.org or email [email protected] 3/10/2017(12 AM) 3/22/2017 (11:59 PM)
Self-introduction and Debate from the Nominees running for the the Election 2017 3/26/2017(TBA) 3/26/2017 (TBA)
Candidate can make changes in his/her nomination or withdraw from candidacy 3/23/2017 (12:00 AM) 3/27/2017 (11:59 PM)
Announcement of final list of candidates for NAG Election 2017 3/31/2017 3/31/2017
Publication of final voters list in NAG website http://www.nepalgeorgia.org 4/6/2017
Casting votes from registered voters those are physically present in the election venue.

Compilation of casted votes and announcement of the Election results

4/15/2017(1:00 PM) 4/15/2017 (8:00 PM)


As per the authorization and request of the current NAG Executive Board, this Election Commission will held a fair, impartial election in a healthy environment on the 15th day of April 2017 at Al-Noor, 6010 Singleton RD, Norcross, GA 30093.

Please find the guidelines constructed by our commission:

  1. Membership, candidacy and voter registration:
    1. As per organizational constitution of NAG, to file candidacy, one should become a member of NAG.
    2. Note: President Position:  Candidates for the president position needs to be of at least two-year executive board member of NAG.
  2. Candidates can nominee himself/herself for more than one position at the beginning; however, he/she needs to withdraw rest of their nomination with in the due date and finalized only one position to run. Failure to do so will end up with the disqualification from the election 2017.
  3. To be eligible to cast vote, one can acquire membership ten (10) days before the Election Day. A voting member is required to show an original valid photo identification (ID) issued by government. Voters must be 18 years or older on the Election Day.
  4. Voting starts at 1:00 PM and ends at 8:00 PM, then this commission will count all the votes and the election results will be declared.
  5. Candidates should nominee personally with Candidacy fees (Non Refundable) that has been finalized.
  6. For voting, one should place either a (check (✓) or a (cross ‘X’) sign on the box following the name of a particular candidate.
  7. If a vote is casted for more than a stated number of candidates for the same position, only a vote for that position will be considered as invalid vote, the votes casted correctly for the rest of the positions will be valid.
  8. The vote counting will be done in secured and confidential space where members of election commission and one representative from each of presidential candidate will be present.
  9. If needed, some rules and guidelines could be added or modified. Only this election commission holds the right to make the final decision if any issue/complication arises regarding the election procedure, rules and regulations.
  10. Candidates and their representatives are not allowed for their campaign within the premises of the election area on the ‘Election Day’.
  11. Election Commission encourages everyone to renew his/her membership
    or acquire a new membership of NAG and to elect a new effective and dynamic executive board.

Please feel free to contact any of the election commission members if you have any questions or suggestions.
NAG Election commission 2017
[email protected]
Janak Baral Chair 770-990-0897
Raju Thapa—678-362-7722
Bhabindra Basnet—404-324-3473
Pranaya Lama — 404-645-2129
Bishwa Adhikari –202-812-9549

I encourage you all to be the part of NAG Election 2017 and best serve and represent our Nepalese American community.

Janak Baral
Chair, Election commission 2017
Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG)

Countdown to Election








Countdown to Registration








Nomination Application Form

Voter Registration List

Voter Registration Signup


Important Election Datelines

  • MAR 22, 2017 - Nomination Fee due
  • MAR 26, 2017 - Candidacy Meet & Greet
  • MAR 27, 2017 - Candidacy Withdraw due
  • MAR 31, 2017 - Final Candidacy List due
  • APR 4, 2017 - Voter Registration due
  • APR 6, 2017 Final Voter list due
  • APR 15, 2017 - New Year Party

Have Election Question?
Send mail to: [email protected]


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