Signature Needed by Wednesday,  May 27  2015 Please Act now:…/designate-nepal… In reality we need 87483 Signature currently we have only 12517 Please spread the news and ask everyone to sign within...
ANNOUNCEMENT Let us all join a coalition of Nepali groups to support Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for Nepali Nationals in the U.S. Respected International/National/Regional/ State/Student organizations Presidents/Community Leaders and the Nepalese Community of...
Dear Respected Community Members, Namaste! On this coming Sunday, May 17, 2015 Nepalese Association of Georgia along with her dedicated volunteers have organized the 5K/2K Run/Walk for a Cause for Nepal Earthquake Awareness Campaign. As of today (May 14, 2015), 112...
*Press Release share request from our Nepali community! Requester: Dr. Prakash Malla IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 02, 2015   Contact Persons:  Ramesh B. Malla, Ph.D., Editor in Chief   Chair, Joint ANMF/ASNEngr/CAN-USA Initiative Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Relief...
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