
During Nepalese Association of Georgia’s (NAG) first Executive meeting held at Moon Indian Cuisine, Atlanta, GA on 4/26/2015 we were able to form a new advisory team. We are proud to announce and look forward to working with the new Advisory Board members.

ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS for term 2015-2017

  1. Mr. Ram Parajuli
  2. Mr. C.K Parajuli
  3. Mr. Raju Thapa
  4. Mr. Pranaya Lama
  5. Mr. Krishna Devkota
  6. Mr. Bishwa Adhikari
  7. Mr. Bhabindra Basnet
  8. Mr. Janak Baral
  9. Mr. Kapil Wagle

Please don’t forget to fund raise for Nepal Earthquake.

Your donation will help provide vital relief to children and families devastated by the earthquake in Nepal. Your donated relief fund will be effectively coordinated by NAG with government of Nepal.

Please visit this page to donate:

The Nepalese Association of Georgia highly appreciates your help in this time of humanitarian need for the country of Nepal.

Thank you
Johnny Adhikari
General Secratery

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